1000+ High DA Article Submission Sites

Article Submission Site

Table of Contents

The aim of every website owner is to get more and more traffic on the website. For this, there are a lot of ways like SEO, SMM SMO, etc. SEO is the way to get more organic traffic on a website by getting it ranked on top of SERP.

Generally in SEO, there are 3 techniques such as on-page SEO, technical SEO, and off-page SEO. Off-page SEO is generally the activity that is done off of a website to increase the ranking of the website. It includes making backlinks or you can say submitting your website on another website which has a better authority score than yours.

In off-page SEO there are different types of submissions like article submission, social bookmarking, PDF, PPT, image, video, audio, profile creation, and so on.

In this blog, we are going to discuss about article submission and provide 1000 good article submission sites.

What is article submission?

Article submission is generally publishing content in the form of articles on different websites. There are multiple benefits of it like advertising, promoting your content or ideas on the internet.

By doing this you can increase the visibility of your website and can drive traffic to your website through the article. Always try to post the article in the relevant category.

Things to keep in mind while doing article submission

  • First of all the article should be plagiarism-free, informative, and useful to the users not to the search engine.
  • Always try to keep the length of the article more than 1000 words.
  • Always try to keep the paragraph length short, it helps you to be featured in rank #0
  • Keep the article SEO-friendly

Advantages of the article submission

  • It helps in getting quality backlinks that too in free
  • It increases your website traffic
  • You can get new clients from the article

Guide to make the submission

  • First of all, go to the website that you want to make your submission and then try to signup with the required details then log in to the website
  • After this find your niche category and make the submission

1000+ best article submission sites

Website DA
github.com 96
buzzfeed.com 93
academia.edu 93
quora.com 93
ehow.com 92
wattpad.com 92
evernote.com 92
storify.com 91
seekingalpha.com 90
squidoo.com 90
zimbio.com 90
examiner.com 89
ezinearticles.com 86
biggerpockets.com 81
buzzle.com 80
webpronews.com 80
thefreelibrary.com 77
brighthub.com 76
apsense.com 76
tumblr.com 75
hubpages.com 70
selfgrowth.com 62
livejournal.com 61
evancarmichael.com 61
articlealley.com 55
mazines.com 54
storeboard.com 54
http://articlesfactory.com 53
sooperarticles.com 53
articlesfactory.com 52
powerhomebiz.com 52
constant-content.com 52
abilogic.com 50
articles.abilogic.com 50
articlecube.com 49
http://articlebiz.com 48
http://www.streetarticles.com/ 47
work911.com 47
http://123articleonline.com 46
articlecity.com 46
threadwatch.org 46
triond.com 46
submityourarticle.com 46
http://articlicious.com 45
streetarticles.com 45
presszoom.com 44
themanager.org 44
upublish.info 43
feedsfloor.com 43
articlecatalog.com 42
howtoadvice.com 42
articlegeek.com 42
easy-articles.com 41
http://simplysearch4it.com 41
magportal.com 41
go2article.com 38
libervis.com 38
idleexperts.com 38
articlepole.com/ 37
articlepole.com 37
articlesforwebsite.com 37
allthewebsites.org 37
123articleonline.com 37
facearticle.com 36
linkcompose.com 36
goarticles.info 35
pr4-articles.com 34
articlespromoter.com/ 33
a1articles.com 33
article1.co.uk 33
uberarticles.com 33
articlesbd.com 32
prolinkdirectory.com 32
articlization.com 32
awebcity.com 32
saching.com 30
articleswrap.com 28
articleuploads.com 28
articleseen.com/ 27
simplysearch4it.com 27
dime-co.com 27
articlesubmited.com/ 26
articledoctor.com 26
openarticles.com 26
articlemedia.co.uk 26
letsbefamous.com 25
articlesss.com/ 24
ourblogpost.com 24
articlecede.com 23
webmasterslibrary.com 21
srmarticles.com 21
articleslist.net 20
articleavenue.com 20
otherarticles.com 20
galoor.com 19
ezinepost.com 19
articleside.com 17
voticle.com 61
foxnewstips.com 42
newsniz.com 19
yournewsinshiocton.com 16
newseveryday.co.uk 40
pressconference.great-site.net 67
dailybusinesspost.com 50
easyfie.com 68
nybpost.com 39
fortunetelleroracle.com 57
dailygram.com 74
ibusinessday.com 42
sevenarticle.com 16
articlescad.com 60
homment.com 50
toparticlesubmissionsites.com 55
top10apunkagames.com 17
freshersnews.co.in 70
knockinglive.com 34
yourtechguru.co 0.2
dvarta.com 2.9
nascentindia.xyz 37
casinopost.org 18
businesssinc.com 22
mediaek.com 17
zoombazi.com 27
seehowcan.com 8
ravibarot.com 15
wikifeedz.com 44
froodl.com 23
blog.mymemories.com 54
bulksitechecker.com 18
cracks4pc.com 22
foindia.com 17
guestposttimes.com 3.8
visualsolutionsonline.com 7
techplanet.today 23
thevividreader.com 25
bluegraydaily.com 16
timesbusinessidea.com 29
blogmusketeer.com 4.4
global-gathering.com 45
todaynewsblogs.com 30
businessfig.com 53
dailymagzines.net 35
dailytimesblog.com 34
dailynewsstudy.com 34
thedigitalwebs.com 35
toptrendybusiness.com 0
businessexperiment.co.uk 0
thebusinesspost.net 0
brcanskiforum.com 6
worldishealthy.com 0
wpc16live.com 29
myfoodies.com 26
mcnezu.com 48
toptechnologypost.com 6
nairaland.com 74
fabsswing.com 18
marketbusinesswatch.com 26
savefromnetpost.com 17
todayshomebuyersguide.com 10
hufftime.com 32
businesszag.com 9
teqnotech.com 0.8
immenseinfo.com 14
voicendo.com 18
emilyhillwriter.com 15
newzhunt24.com 0.2
webthoughtspot.org 4.7
olaladirectory.com.au 43
dopewope.com 18
ainas.co 27
suggestmeshop.com 1
topfivesearch.com 16
overorbit.com 13
frillnewz.com 27
writegossip.com 18
bessbefit.com 49
wisebrows.com 20
swingmeup.com 0.7
webeys.com 15
techtablepro.com 52
timesnewsus.com 3
michaelesalahi.com 19
nativeadsguru.com 31
marketinic.com 25
buzbusiness.com 18
articlesall.com 18
authorbench.com 9
bikerhall.com 22
bizzskills.com 13
datumsourcing.tribe.so 79
eurasiannews.net 52
fragnewz.com 26
fxstat.com 62
hiiya.co 1.3
hotmaillog.in 23
kitarticle.com 16
mfanews.net 28
myfashionova.com 1
nawazpanda.com 1.8
newsethnic.com 16
newstobuzz.com 9
oneonlinetrade.com 1.8
skreebee.com 53
soulstream.tribe.so 79
tensionmatleyaar.com 27
themeganews.com 1
thenewsinternational.com 14
tv14.net 26
weedclub.com 27
zapz.tribe.so 79
nouw.com 78
savefromnetmag.com 20
fscreats.com 1
viralnewsonly.com 26
dreamswire.com 51
marketcella .com 43
samtutorials.com 24
dailynewshubusa.com 0.4
homejust.org 19
businessmag.org 20
todaystory.org 19
digitaldrona.com 10
storieslight.com 35
zaratechs.com 41
smartsrec.com 38
expertsadvices.net 37
fashionblogger1.com 7
worldreportbox.com 21
cmditec.com 0.3
apnewstime.com 0
wixlogs.com 0.4
easybusinesstricks.com 3.8
twoplus3.in 2.1
financetown.net 0.8
bestavple.com 0.7
bioneerslive.org 18
hituponviews.com 16
articleinon.com 49
techgili.com 54
knowworld365.com 34
healthslove.com 40
tiagomartinho.com 41
canvaslock.com 30
mindsmag.com 12
Newsinmag.com 5
businessnewsone.com 10
americanexponent.com 4.1
freelively.com 1.5
technolf.com 20
technoloss.com 24
healthnpsych.com 13
healthhan.com 18
articlepedia.xyz 42
newsnux.com 10
sooperposting.com 0.8
ticarticle.com 10
forxtradingmarket.com 0.8
theescapistapk.com 35
tokei123.org 40
canadiantattoogirls.com 51
mytelsite.com 40
businessmart.site 3.4
kevinmartensson.com 30
times2business.com 44
thepublishingherald.com 38
gpmarkaz.com 4.8
techfily.com 50
kikianika.com 42
ustimz.com 2.9
informastech.net 25
fabsnews.com 2.7
myforbespro.com 0.5
businestech.com 6
steameastus.com 26
marketguest.com 37
technosoftmind.com 2.9
webrankscience.com 0.6
vantailion.com 49
naga19.com 49
pharmacyincanada-online.com 19
dailydems.com 2.5
softwarelab.info 25
theasianposts.com 12
articlewood.com 25
mms.instructure.com 87
party.biz 67
pharmahub.org 49
apkevents.com 29
insaneyards.com 56
camerafilmroll.com 22
sarahbintabdulaziz.com 40
fornewz.com 13
sewrcd.com 39
andreas25.com 19
mephimmymedia.com 53
technologies-news.com 33
writerspakistan.com 2.5
evamerica.net 35
techupdatescorner.com 16
lifeunited.org 46
technorenovation.com 58
wislayhub.com 6
a3art4play.com 40
techfoodtrip.com 0.1
yipeeinc.com 40
incomescircle.com 2.4
techdailygossip.com 51
stickmyworld.com 1.8
mytrendingstories.com 55
eyesicon.com 0
amhyco.com 33
megamindmagazines.com 45
apktours.com 30
writofly.com 20
actualthought.com 0.3
titfortech.com 22
usaf95zone.com 7
bjmono.com 37
simpldos.com 34
acesanjel.com 31
fungiblewatch.com 9
filesresidence.com 8
newsstast.com 26
onlineclasstime.com 48
breakingnews21.com 42
jpost.us 16
goodtimeslegacy.com 40
immow.net 14
ambiography.com 43
ciara-daily.com 5
confettisocial.com 23
knowproz.com 51
absbuzz.com 27
postingproof.com 42
rollbol.com 54
onlinepressrelease.com.au 0.2
businessnewsbuzz.com 1.8
theperfectblogs.com 52
techstalking.com 38
roadtoawakening.net 40
Businessegy.com 44
thetechswing.com 19
pedagogue.app 49
bsnposse.com 36
nextiphonenews.com 9
esocialmag.com 33
dizipost.com 7
cellphonespy2014.com 28
empowerbusinessonline.com 9
ezinenews.com 21
ezomblog.com 4.6
firstnewswallet.com 32
healthwishing.com 1.3
holyhellions.com 19
mogulvalley.com 31
newsbrut.com 10
resistancephl.com 29
sociologylibrary.com 29
storiesflow.com 18
thecomingnews.com 6
toolbarpdf.com 1.9
trendingnewshub.uk 49
usamediahouse.com 12
businessmarketnews.uk 51
newstechrim.com 38
district160.com 35
nazing.co.uk 36
dailykideals.com 0.1
businessfess.com 35
techcrams.com 48
newscompact.in 47
Thesoftnews.com 42
gensupremo.com 48
Businessgracy.com 35
triplegems.org 12
jkpowerball.com 36
kathyformaryland.com 18
thearmourygallery.com 53
watchtodaynews.com 48
techwestnews.com 33
techbuzzonly.com 52
happywheelsus.com 40
amazefeeds.com 37
bodennews.us 43
casinobolds.co.uk 40
jobprime.in 46
humanhealthfitness.com 9
mywebarticle.com 11
globaldailypost.com 29
techpairs.com 40
viraltechnolgy.com 9
greatytene.com 35
webpagejournal.com 31
mohakeem.com 6
tenditlive.com 0
funuploads.com 30
businesspara.com 39
themagazineweb.com 43
dailyguestrank.com 13
skysportsf.com 23
stickynewsup.com 44
thesteameast.com 0
blogsbazar.com 49
businessnewstips.de 3.4
postmygp.com 4.6
globalnetbit.com 16
infodera.com 9
thehearus.com 7
forbesbullion.com 4
fortodaynews.com 43
dnncb.com 19
bigmedium.site 9
sorten.xyz 11
theinsiderup.com 53
sweatsign.com 51
fiablenews.in 6
bussinessnewshub.com 45
techhubinfo.com 44
trendingmafia.com 10
digilisthub.com 9
magzinenow.com 54
thekeyphrase.com 45
theworldknows.com 45
mixeduaction.com 44
giftnows.com 36
statustags.com 60
techcrums.com 38
enterpenuretips.com 37
topedgenews.com 47
inkfreenews.net 37
newsshype.com 18
litycoop.com 13
exe2aut.com 37
techtimes.uk 39
kblinker.com 38
camdenchronicle.co.uk 23
businessprofitdaily.com 35
shiftscraft.com 47
asapmix.com 48
Getsmeup.com 50
fasidea.com 6
technologymedia.net 46
techwole.com 34
entrepreneursnews.org 34
realitypanel.com 51
danimesk.com 29
theworldreader.com 12
businessfob.com 55
properread.com 50
enfblogs.com 26
Forbestime.co.uk 48
Newsuptech.com 45
dailytimezone.com 36
novloc.com 32
helpsab.com 42
starwalkershow.com 32
rustoto.com 32
bukanhoax.org 54
chetakresult.com 33
hydrogencms.net 40
optimystictechnology.com 24
jpgart.com 52
avpletime.com 51
visitstimes.com 44
readwritenews.com 27
businesslug.com 8
writemovement.com 21
alltrendyblog.com 18
ofarticle.com 20
nextbrandnews.com 16
visualassembler.com 29
adlandpro.com 67
articleblink.com 65
articledive.com 25
articlelake.com 28
articlering.com 42
droparticle.com 29
informer57.com 22
feedgadgets.com 47
thetechtarget.com 44
deeptechy.com 37
bigmixstudio.co.uk 41
pkelearn.com 6
trendinformations.com 14
inewsten.com 33
trackthattravel.com 40
ytvideodownloader.co 36
crowdforthink.com 23
writeonwall.com 56
best7.io 25
quickbloging.com 2.4
startposts.com 52
norstrats.net 48
boingam.com 27
vingle.net 77
merchantcircle.com 85
newsdailyarticles.com 29
articleted.com 63
zupyak.com 71
bignewstime.com 4.6
timebusinessblog.com 3.5
hotnewsroom.com 31
trickymagazine.com 35
theotaku.com 51
eoceanofgames.com 33
fgtnews.com 12
goexprezz.com 34
creators.newsbreak.com 81
picukitech.com 2
theomnibuzz.com 59
exactrelease.org 35
bloglovin.com 90
ko-fi.com 90
fiftyshadesofseo.com 55
bshint.com 48
newsextensive.com 16
financecornwall.co.uk 6
crazynewspaper.com 31
renderknowledge.com 3.1
blogvarient.com 13
fushionworld.com 48
emazoo.com 61
wirepost.net 26
splashinparadise.com 29
debug.to 45
joegoldbergblog.com 45
morioh.com 24
searchlix.com 68
doodlefolks.com 28
editor.telescope.ac 14
thepostingtree.com 65
publicnewsusa.com 49
wztext.com 34
editorialdiary.com 18
no 14
secrecyfilm.com 55
lifefie.com 40
fitsdoor.com 68
itfams.com 45
mezkit.com 2.7
livesmage.com 45
homeideamaker.com 42
newsdest.com 91
magazinozo.com 1.8
clipaper.com 17
magazetty.com 20
naasery.com 16
freelancertowork.com 15
blogorb.com 37
reusealways.com 26
trumpbookusa.com 38
businessmilestone.com 54
laptoparena.co.uk 37
digitalnewstrending.com 38
justpaste.it 16
newstechupdates.com 38
tablogy.com 78
youthkiawaaz.com 46
pcgameshost.com 17
latesttechnicalreviews.com 72
marketrims.com 6
ahvalnews6.com 40
techieknows.com 13
techiezer.com 30
itsmetaworld.com 37
nyforbes.com 11
staronlinenews.com 43
easespar.com 32
healthassurity.com 20
thegloblenews.com 61
livingavoid.com 6
gnewsmail.com 12
newsyouknow.com 2.5
wxynews.com 8
zaneym.org 33
techstray.com 22
lilbizz.com 52
advisorwell.com 22
movementbuzz.com 32
boostupbusinessess.com 48
bangatimes.com 9
techvilly.com 28
writedailynews.com 41
newssher.com 39
hudibaba.com 16
soogam.com 57
businesshubnews.com 23
visitfashions.com 26
businessfixnow.com 50
sitessurf.com 43
Newscognition.com 44
seosakti.com 39
stickytags.in 14
bloggingfreak.com 2.2
hanstrek.com 50
trendtuch.com 2.4
latestnewsusa.com 10
articleshero.com 37
thespecialwomen.com 47
prohamper.com 1.5
travellinground.com 44
truxgo.net 7
couponkaka.com 24
homeimprovementabout.com 13
headmull.com 64
kingofworldwidenews.com 2.1
pc-world-news.com 28
thewn.net 61
startupgb.com 2.2
codepromag.com 0
booktruestorys.com 33
aboveinsider.com 10
montstup .com 4.2
therepublicnewspaper.com 10
newzbuds.com 2.2
news4zimbos.com 56
disneyplusmax.com 8
worldlatestamazingnews.com 0.3
thyuvas.com 31
toplusmssitesi.com 34
timesfortech.com 32
dailymagazinenews.com 31
geniusparknews.com 0.3
shorpnews.com 0.8
dailymuzz.com 44
newshunt250.com 50
theinspirespy.com 49
projectdue.net 0
screenshot9.com 4.3
thetourtimes.com 25
zillowxone.com 40
keyposting.com 50
magpalace.com 60
reddiary.co.uk 0.3
trends4tech.com 22
smartworldone.com 51
vipposts.com 29
postingstation.com 45
marketfobs.com 28
smootbusiness.com 38
techbtime.com 26
overinsider.com 17
writeforus.org 46
magzined.com 14
bootself.com 37
swengen.com 47
postpedia.co.uk 24
generaltops.com 36
collectiveinfos.com 12
communitiyplace.com 22
wikipediainfo.com 6
bloggercommunities.com 49
smashingmagzines.com 44
boostupnews.com 38
24businesstrends.com 46
dreamnewshub.com 40
bernardsmyth.com 48
fabiomont.com 46
familyspirityoga.com 66
visserion.com 50
pikselgeek.net 48
youthsmagazine.com 66
wellshining.com 31
renownednews.com 52
goknowl.com 47
drgu-clinic.com 42
popularwrite.com 50
technewminds.com 2.8
expistandservice.com 32
thenytoday.com 12
timesmagazineuk.com 34
techuck.com 11
mediatakeoutnews.com 8
elintnews.com 9
forbestech.online 4.8
mangaowlpro.com 25
teqguru.com 25
simoshot.com 25
europeanbusinessreview.co.uk 26
sonic.stamparticle.online 25
abcarticle.com 25
digibans.com 45
qualityinnbrattleboro.com 1.6
matejz.net 18
qiucemeonline.net 52
stockmarketstory.com 28
usbusinessnews.org 46
magch.org 47
roborop.com 61
social.studentb.eu 53
envigos.com 56
tecnostory.com 20
penzu.com 22
traveliogroup.com 42
heatbud.com 27

Sponsored article submission sites

Website URL DA
https://blog.freeadstime.org 36
https://blog.yookalo.com/ 26
https://story.wallclassifieds.com 25
https://www.ologames.com 25
https://article.classifiedsfactor.com 24
https://articles.h1ad.com 21
https://blogs.findermaster.com 19
https://blog.shopolop.com 18
https://article.advertiseera.com 16
https://www.bloggersroad.com 16
https://www.digitalmarketinghints.com 13
https://www.howcube.com 13

Instant approval article submission sites

Website URL DA
https://www.linkedin.com/ 99
https://medium.com/ 96
https://www.hatena.ne.jp/ 94
https://www.bloglovin.com/ 93
https://manage.wn.com/article/ 92
https://www.evernote.com/ 92
https://www.livejournal.com/ 92
https://www.reddit.com/ 91
https://www.wattpad.com/ 91
https://telegra.ph/ 90
http://justpaste.it/ 89
https://gumroad.com/ 89
https://ezinearticles.com/ 87
https://www.tumblr.com/ 85
http://bcz.com/ 77
https://mytrendingstories.com/ 77
http://www.apsense.com/ 76
https://articlesbase.com/ 76
https://e27.co/ 74
https://www.merchantcircle.com/ 72
https://penzu.com 70
http://www.infobarrel.com/ 69
https://wakelet.com 67
https://www.vingle.net/ 66
https://write.as/ 64
https://www.selfgrowth.com/ 61
https://writeupcafe.com/community/ 60
http://www.inube.com/ 57
https://storeboard.com/ 56
https://teletype.in/ 56
https://theomnibuzz.com/ 55
https://www.sooperarticles.com/ 55
https://articles.abilogic.com 53
https://articlesneed.com/ 52
https://www.uberant.com 52
https://anotepad.com/ 50
https://craft.co/ 50
https://www.techsite.io/ 49
https://www.promotionworld.com/ 48
http://www.onfeetnation.com/ 47
https://www.klusster.com/ 44
http://www.articlebiz.com 43
http://www.godry.co.uk/ 43
http://mehfeel.net/mehfeel/ 41
https://www.bingarticles.info/ 41
https://articlescad.com 39
https://www.articlepole.com/ 39
https://go2article.com/ 38
http://www.123articleonline.com/ 36
https://ny.biznet-us.com/ 36
https://www.pitnit.com/ 36
http://submitmyarticle.in/ 35
http://uploadarticle.com/ 35
https://www.allthewebsites.org/ 35
http://millionairex3.ning.com/ 34
http://www.articles.seoforums.me.uk/ 34
http://www.articles.studio9xb.com/ 34
https://www.pr4-articles.com/ 34
https://articlesforwebsite.com/ 33
https://articleweb55.com/ 33
https://www.airtract.com/articles 32
https://www.article1.co.uk/ 32
https://www.pr3-articles.com/ 32
https://telescope.ac/ 31
https://www.articlesreader.com/ 30
https://www.letsdiskuss.com/ 30
http://www.articlesbd.com/ 29
http://www.insertarticles.info/ 29
https://ezarticlesdb.com/ 29
http://www.openarticles.com/ 28
http://www.articles.mybikaner.com/ 27
http://www.articleseen.com/ 27
http://www.simplysearch4it.com/ 27
http://www.yaarikut.com/ 27
https://www.articleseen.com/ 27
http://www.articles.mastercraftindia.com/ 26
https://articlexpress.co.uk/ 26
https://submitafreearticle.com/ 25
http://americanarticle.org/ 24
http://articlicious.com 24
https://writeonwall.com 24
https://www.herbaltricks.com/ 24
https://www.pr5-articles.com/ 24
http://articlesss.com/ 23
https://www.articledirectoryusa.com/ 23
https://www.articletrunk.com/ 23
https://www.srmarticles.com/ 21
https://articlerockstars.com/ 19
https://globalarticlefinder.com/ 19
https://www.otherarticles.com/ 19
http://articlecatalog.com/ 18
http://www.ezinepost.com/ 18
https://articlegift.com/ 18
https://popularticles.com/ 18
http://www.galoor.com/ 17
https://articlesjust4you.com/ 15
https://greatarticles.co.uk/ 15
https://www.warticles.com/ 13
https://www.aniarticles.com/ 11
http://www.sharehealthtips.com/ 9
http://www.jumparticles.com/ 8
https://www.creativebloggingworld.com/ 8
https://www.netezinearticles.com/ 8
http://www.articlefans.com/ 6
http://uberarticles.com/ 5
https://articles87.com/ 1
https://fivearticles.com 3
https://articlebeast.online/ 24
https://fortunetelleroracle.com/ 42

Free article submission sites

Website DA
technoscriptz.com 64
zaneym.org 53
upfuture.net 61
freiewebzet.com 59
alldailyupdates.com 60
famousnewstime.com 52
theomnibuzz.com 60
smartmoneymatch.com 54
esocialmag.com 51
bjorkspain.net 56

Types of Article Submission Sites


  • General Sites

These types of sites provide a broad range and category for submission. Here every niche can publish their article and drive traffic

  • Niche Specific

These types of sites focus on specific niches and categories. These sites have a lot of advantages like it drives more relevant traffic


What is article submission in SEO?

Article submission is the process of publishing content in the form of an article on different high-authority sites. It is the part of off-page SEO.

Where can I submit my article?

There are some well and good sites where you can submit your article such as:

  1. Medium

  2. Quora

  3. Tumblr

  4. Github

  5. Ezine Articles

  6. LinkedIn

  7. Article Biz

  8. Google Sites

How to submit an article for SEO?

First of all, find a relevant website or niche website, sign in, and submit your article but before that make sure to add keywords in the article and try to write an SEO-friendly and unique article.

How do article submission sites benefit writers?

Article submission sites offer writers several benefits, including increased visibility, opportunities for networking and collaboration, potential backlinks to their own websites or blogs, and the chance to establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective fields.

Are article submission sites free to use?

Many article submission sites offer free registration and submission options. However, some may have premium features or paid memberships that offer additional benefits, such as priority placement or enhanced promotion of submitted articles.

What types of content are accepted on article submission sites?

Article submission sites typically accept a wide range of content, including informative articles, opinion pieces, tutorials, case studies, product reviews, and more. The key is to ensure that the content is original, well-written, and relevant to the site’s audience.

How can I ensure my articles get accepted on submission sites?

To increase the likelihood of your articles being accepted, focus on producing high-quality content that is well-researched, engaging, and adds value to the reader. Follow the submission guidelines provided by each site and pay attention to formatting, word count, and any specific requirements.

Do article submission sites have specific guidelines for content creation?

Yes, most article submission sites have guidelines that authors must follow when creating and submitting content. These guidelines typically cover topics such as content originality, word count, formatting, language, and prohibited content types (e.g., hate speech, plagiarism).

How long does it take for articles to be published on submission sites?

The publication timeline can vary depending on the site’s editorial process and backlog of submissions. Some articles may be published within a few days, while others may take longer. It’s essential to be patient and follow up with the site if necessary.

Can I repurpose content from my blog or website for submission to article sites?

Yes, you can repurpose content from your blog or website for submission to article sites, but it’s essential to ensure that the content is original and not duplicated verbatim from other sources. Make any necessary revisions to tailor the content to the submission site’s audience and guidelines.

Are there any SEO benefits to using article submission sites?

Yes, submitting articles to reputable submission sites can help improve your website’s SEO by generating backlinks and increasing online visibility. However, it’s crucial to focus on quality over quantity and avoid spammy tactics that could harm your site’s ranking.

How can I track the performance of my articles on submission sites?

Many article submission sites offer analytics tools or dashboards where authors can track the performance of their articles, including metrics such as views, shares, comments, and click-through rates. Additionally, you can use third-party analytics tools to monitor referral traffic and other relevant data.


I hope the above-given sites will be helpful for your SEO journey. These article submission sites will help you increase the visibility and traffic to your website. Also read this blog to know how to get free domain and hosting.